Chapter 1

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Ste was at the end of his tether. Well and truly done. He couldn't take his life and the pain he was going through at the moment anymore. He'd been so gullible and stupid believing every lie that man told. Believing every 'I love you', even when he'd been beaten black and blue, or had another rib broken, or stayed up all night in pieces, having nobody to comfort him. Ste'd lost Brendan a long time ago, and once he'd gone to jail, he rebounded onto the next guy who showed him some interest-- Connor. He took the meaning of violence to other level, and Ste felt trapped. He was emotionally drained and stuck inside his own thoughts and the claws of his deranged boyfriend. If you could even call him that. He didn't ever believe there'd be a way out. Who'd help him? He was a hopeless damsel, to say the least.

Connor had stopped him seeing his two beautiful children, and purposefully got Ste fired from his job, and from then, he'd had him locked in the house for whenever he wanted him. It was never anything special. Usually just forced sex and the whisperings of broken promises, which made Ste feel sick for days.

The young man hadn't been the same for quite a while. Not bubbly or outgoing, cheeky or charming, just... Dull. Everything about him had gone numb. His face was as white as a sheet, and his body was torn up and bruised. Eyes tired, hair too unruly to even manage. Ste Hay wasn't Ste Hay anymore.

Ste found himself caught up in his thoughts, as he stopped moving back and forth in the corner of the dimly lit room for a moment, hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, and for a moment, he closed his eyes and swallowed. Connor was home. He had a twisted sensation in his stomach, and he filled with anxiety. He slowly looked up, reflecting a small boy who just needed a hug. "You're home early.." He croaked.

Connor walked in, full of pride, and as though he'd done nothing wrong, he wore a smug smirk which signified nothing other than utter control and manipulation. His clothes were just black and aged, but he looked fresh and his jet black hair always shone through, he walked towards the other man. "Is there a problem?" He snarled, voice cutting through Ste like a knife.

"No, no! Not at all!" Ste quickly stood and put on the fakest smile, going to greet him with a hug, as he felt himself getting squeezed back. It never got better. Once he'd finished, he hoped Connor was in a good mood, but he'd misread the signals, and made a big mistake in saying, "Did you bring some food? I'm starving!" He said jokily.

The next move was unexpected but not new, Ste'd been thumped back down to the ground, and took a bad blow to the chest, wheezing slightly as he cried out.

"You eat when I tell you! Understand?!" Connor shouted, before leaving the room and the house, without another word.

A single tear rolled down Ste's cheek as he clutched his stomach, face creased up in pain as he emitted an inaudible sob. He had to get out. He couldn't do it anymore. He dragged himself up, stumbling to the door, he almost laughed at himself, when was it ever open?! But he gasped, the door was slightly ajar and his tears almost splashed out as relieved ones, but his hopes were far from up yet.

He walked out into the corridor, hurrying down the stairs, he didn't give a second thought to grabbing clothes or essentials, he didn't have time for that, he dashed for the door, hands shaking, and he just stood there, eyes adjusting to the light he'd so missed. Connor could be back any minute and he was scared for his life. He just ran, and ran, down the alleys and across the village, he went past the bus stop and down towards the fields, where he got out his phone, looking up where the nearest Hostel would be, and he groaned at how far it was, he kept looking around cautiously. He had no money, so he couldn't get a bus, so he had to fight his aching bones and he ran, again. Ran for his life. Ran until he couldn't anymore.

He looked around his surroundings in despair, but his eyes widened when he saw the safe house just up ahead. Was he finally putting himself first? He walked tiredly towards the door, a sense of something holding him back, but he took every morsel in his body to knock, and he bit his lip, seeing a goofy blonde woman answer, but she smelled like apple pie and wore a big smile, which was like home to Ste. Before he knew it, Ste's legs had given way and he'd landed in her arms as a sobbing mess, uncontrollable and shaky.

She took him in and comforted him for a while, taking short details of him down on some paper as Ste wasn't really up for talking yet, but she said he could leave it for the morning, which he was thankful for. "He won't find me here will he?" He asked the woman, who turned out to be called Sally, face filled with fear.

"No, Ste. He won't find you here trust me, and even if he did manage to show up, he wouldn't get anywhere near you. You're safe now." She placed a hand on his shoulder before she seemed to have thought of something.

"I'm sorry but, I seriously am just so tired. Could I see my room?" Ste asked, feeling a bit rude but she didn't seem to be phased by it at all.

"Of course dear. I would take you but you'll have to be introduced to the manager here first. He says what's what, though you'll love him, he's a sweetheart." She grinned. "Come on."

Ste stood up, the idea of a man really made him curious, he'd lost all trust with that species. He followed her up the spiralling stairs, raising a brow at their taste of yellow wallpaper, but it was cosy. They were heading towards the door at the end of the corridor, a plate on the front read; "Mr Carter."

He was just a few steps behind her when she knocked, and he slowly followed her in. "We have a new guest, Mr Carter. I trust you'll take good care of him." She nodded once and left the two of them alone.

Ste's eyes slowly adjusted to the figure in front of him and he made out his features. The man was timid looking with chocolate brown hair, deep blue eyes, a gorgeous smile and he finished his sudden first impression with a surprisingly delicate American accent, in which he said, "Welcome."

"I'm Doug. Doug Carter."

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