Chapter One - The Trial Begins

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The stars are bright tonight. No clouds in the sky and the moon is high. I lay on my soft feather bed, my right arm slipped beneath my pillow. Only through a break in the thatched roof do I gaze upon the twinkle of the stars. Each ball of light brings a bit of peace knowing what comes..My thirteenth cycle is tonight,the night my true name is revealed. Tonight I begin my journey to become a man. I can not lie to myself, I am frightened. Some never return from this journey,like my older brother It's been a year since his trial and mother still prays for his return every morning, every night.

I turn right in my bed and look down upon my home. It's a small place, my room up in the loft which overlooks the main living area. A single old wooden ladder is the only way up or down, the fourth rung is missing. The very center is the fire pit with a cauldron that hangs from a metal bar. My grandfather made it, he was a metal smith of some renown. The smoke rises through a hole in the center of the roof. Around the pit are four piles of hay, were we each sit to eat though there are only three of us. Some dried roots hang from the wall, beneath my loft are barrels of salted meat.. The winter has been rough and we have to ration our food.

The door opens, my father comes walking in. He wears his hunting leathers and his bear skin cloak. I have not seen him since first light. His spear in his right hand, a wrapped bundle under his left arm. The bundle is dropped to the ground, his spear is rested against the wall close to the door. He reaches up to undo the tight leather thong that keeps his long dark hair back. I look upon his face and all I see are worried dark eyes. He runs his hand through his thick dark beard and takes a moment to himself in the silence. He does not know I am awake and watch him from above. I know he is concerned for me as I set out on my trial soon. I know he feels he did not prepare my brother for his. The last of his lineage setting out to become a man.

There are more footsteps, mother has awoken. I take more after my mother people tell me. Her long blonde hair matches my own. Her pale ice blue eyes which I have inherited. I have my father's chin people say, but I do not remember when I last saw father without his beard. She stops and stares at my father for a moment, him looking back to her. His hands part back his bearskin cloak and rest on his hips.

"Please promise me you have prepared him," mother says with her soft tone.

Father stares at her a few moments before he answers "As best as I can love. He still has much to learn and I just," he states while his gaze turns to the rising smoke of the fire.

"He still has yet to manifest anything, can not even create fire or a flicker of light." Mother replies "What he holds no magic within him? What if our last child is mundane and ends up a slave in the capital?"

Father interrupts her trying to keep silent still thinking I am asleep "His trial will awaken him, or it will kill him that is it. I have faith Tristan will return. I have faith the spirits of our ancestors will show him the way and bring him home. No man or woman in the Halavan family has been without power."

Mother shushes softly as fathers words start to get loud, her finger coming to her lips "Hush your tone. It is time to wake the boy and send him on his task."

"Tristan!" I hear as my father calls up to me. His hands remain on his hips as he looks up to the loft. "Tristan its time!" he calls up again, I never come on the first call. I rise from my bed, already in my cloths knowing this was coming. I carefully move over to the ladder and take my time climbing down. I turn to face my parents looking up at both of them. Their shadows flicker in the background as they stand on the other side of the fire.

"Tristan Halavan, my son. It is time for your trial. Tis your thirteenth cycle. Tis the time you become your own man. Tis the time you begin your own story like so many before you."

My father moves to the bundle he had dropped on the ground. Kneeling down he unties some twine then unfolds it revealing a cloak made of dear, a long recently made knife of no real distinction, and a satchel. My father looks up to me taking a good long look before speaking "Here is what you will need for your journey north. Some food and water are in the satchel along with a map. A knife for survival and," he pauses standing while grabbing his hunting spear, his most prized possession given to him by his father "This, your grandfathers spear, Kelmheim."

My eyes open wide as he offers me the weapon. Father had told stories of its creation. I reach for it taking the spear into my hands. The wood is made from Dawnwood Oak, the strongest wood ever known. I turn the spear to bring its tip to my eye level. It's double bladed, never dull and always has a reflective shine. Ancient sigils are carved upon the blade, their meaning well beyond my own understanding.

"Father I....I can not take this. You need this to.." Father interrupts me placing both his hands on my shoulders looking down to me "Son, the trip is treacherous, it is long. You are my last son and you alone will write the rest of our families history. When you return, you lead this family."

With a smile be stands back then turns to mother. She has tears in her eyes but a smile on her face. With soft steps she comes to me, her long pale night dress scrapes the floor. Standing before me her eyes look down upon me, her right hand placed on my cheek,

"Tristan my son, tonight we reveal to you your true name. This name was given to you on this day when you were born. Your true name is the source of all your power. Knowing it grants you your power, protecting it seals your power."

She brushes some hair from my face looking me over, leaning in close to my left side as she whispers to me. My true name revealed. I feel a surge,perhaps it is the magic finally awakening within me, or it is the fear I still hold about my trial.

Mother stands with tears in her eyes. Father places the satchel over my head and drapes the cloak over my shoulders. The knife is tucked in my belt, no sheath. He looks down upon me and takes a few steps back. "You leave tonight. Your journey takes you north to find the sacred Yarl tree. You are to locate the tree and take back with you three seeds from the ground. Return with these seeds and your trial is complete. Use all your own skills, your magic, and you will survive."

Father moves to mothers side placing his left arm around her waist, she remains quiet. "Go now son, " father says "be well."

I hold back my tears, I want to cry, I want to just crawl back into my bed, I want to stay and hunt with my father, but I have to do this. If not for me but for my family. I turn and head outside into the cold wilderness. The stars are still bright, the sky is still clear and the moon is bright. I start to walk in the low grass covered by patches of snow. I walk north towards the main road. Never do I look back to my home.I allow my feelings to overcome me, a few tears roll down my pale cheeks. Maybe I will find my brother during my travel. Maybe I will end up dead. Perhaps my trip will not be as scary as it sounds. I must do this and no matter the outcome, I will see this thru.

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