An interview with starryepiphany by booohh

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A note from starryepiphany 

Booklovers Talk had been gathering dust in my library for a while now. So I kicked it out cause it never gets updated :P At least not in the past 3 months since I’ve been on Wattpad. And then I shot a question (anonymously) to booohh on her asking her the reason for not updating BT. Well turns out everyone's busy with studies. -.- But then the next day I get a PM from her asking me if I'd like to get interviewed, but that it's going to take a while, around Feb 2015. 

So I PMed her back telling her that Oprah had done the same thing to me, wanting to interview me but no immediate available slots. So what I did was I had posted a parody of my own yet-to-happen interview with Oprah asking me stupid questions like what animal I want to be and the likes. And then she personally called me, begged me to take it down and prioritised my interview... well, gosh I wish I were that famous and that this all actually happened... :P

Next thing we knew after quite a lot of LOLs, LMAOs and ROFLs the interview started right away lol.

But jokes apart, I'm really grateful to her (duh, sounds so uptight and hypocritical) for this opportunity to feed you guys some more of the weird stuff hissing and gurgling around in a weirder container called my brain. Love ya all :D

Interview with starryepiphany

booohh: So let’s start with a quite unorthodox question, shall we? If someone was repeatedly punching you in the face, abusing you and spitting on you…would you be the type of person to mentally empower yourself in that moment, or give up on yourself?

starryepiphany: Actually this happened in school. I used to get in fights a lot with this bully. And it was like we both got injured more or less everyday. Every month when my dad came to visit me, he brought a box full of Band-Aids. One day things got so out of hand we were almost suspended. We were boycotted by the whole class and at that time we had corporal punishment as well. So yes we did get a good thrashing. Well after that the fights stopped but we hated each other to bits. The thing is, however much I wanted to stay away from all that, he came and started it. -_-

booohh: So to answer the question, you would empower yourself and not give up then? Wow, I never knew they utilised corporal punishment in India!

starryepiphany: Absolutely.

booohh: Awesome masha'Allah. It's not the easiest thing to do, I’m sure many of us can agree. Now I ask, when you see a blossoming flower, what are your thoughts? Similarly, when you look up at a magnificent high rise building, what are your thoughts?

starryepiphany: I’d think ‘wow’ in both cases. Well, it's just me I guess, I wouldn’t see them both very differently. My mind will automatically shift into "analysis mode". I'll try to "size up" its internal workings like how the fluids flow inside to make it bloom or how the beams and structural designs hold it in place. I mean that's how I've always felt. When I see stuff, I feel like getting "into" it, putting it "under the scanner". Kinda like "Deconstructing it." 

booohh: Yes, you make perfect sense. You don't just look at the outer appearance of something, but the inner workings of it, how it came to be. That's a very interesting take on things! It would make sense, since, considering your career...which brings me to the next question. What’s the best thing about being a web developer? My sister is one too, and I remember whenever I would look at her laptop, all I’d see is codes and I’d be all o.O

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