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Demonic Behavior Movie Script

Damon walks down the stairs. Than goes to the living room where his mom was.

Damon: Hey mom, Is it alright if some friends come over?

Trisha: What will you guys be doing?

Damon: watching a movie.

Trisha: Yea sure.

Damon: Thanks. What time are you leaving?

Trisha: What time is it?

Damon: almost eight why?

Trisha: Shit, I am going to be late!

Trisha gets up and walks to the kitchen to grab her keys.

Trisha: Damon, I will see you in a week. Bye.

Damon: Have fun in Cuba. Bye

Trisha walked out the door. Damon gets on his BlackBerry. And calls Amber.

Damon: Hey do you wanna come over?

Amber: Sure, what do you wanna do?

Damon: I wanna get some people and watch a scary movie.

Amber: Sure I will be over soon.

Damon: Okay, bye.

Damon starts texting two other people in a group sms chat, Connor and Alex.

Damon: (Text) Hey guys, Amber is coming over to watch a movie with me. You guys want to come?

Connor: (Text) Yes! What time?

Alex: (Text) Sure :)

Damon: (Text) Come now. I'm just getting the popcorn and movie ready.

Damon puts his phone down and puts the bag of popcorn in for two minutes. Someone knocks on the door. Damon walks towards it. Damon opens the door to see Amber.

Amber: Hey. Is that popcorn I smell?

Damon: Yea, it should be done soon.

Amber: What movie are we watching?

Damon: It's a surprise. Go sit and I'll grab the popcorn.

Amber: Do you have a blanket? It's kind of cold.

Damon: Yea I'll go get you one. For some reason it's always been cold here.

Amber: Didn't you say a while ago your mom thought this place was haunted?

Damon walks over and places a bowl of popcorn on the table.

Damon: Uh yes. She said she saw something in the house when she was alone, so she got her friend to call his friend to come over and cleanse the house. Basically he said this house is a portal. To be more specific, downstairs is the portal.

Amber: A portal to what?

Damon: I am assuming, something to do with demons and ghosts.

Amber: Interesting, is that why-

The door bell rings cutting off Amber. Damon goes to the door and answers it. Connor and Alex.

Connor: Hey.

They both walk in.

Damon: Hey.

Alex: Hey.

Damon: Go sit, you all know where everything is.

Everyone goes to the living room. Damon stands in front.

Damon: I went to the movie store a few days ago and asked if they could recommend the scariest movie, they have chose this one. Be prepared to be scared.

Demonic Behavior ScriptWhere stories live. Discover now