Chapter 16: Captured.

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"It's best if you don't know." the voice replied.

The wind was slowly dying down, making it clearer for me to see the world below.

I was struggling to breathe as we were so far away from the ground, almost in space, the 'thing' holding me noticed this, so he slowly glided down, how could this be possible?

"Magic, haha." he sighed, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"How did yo-" "I can read minds too, so can you." he answered.

"No I can't I'm human and I'm pretty sure I'm hallucinating right now, this isn't happening and who even are you? This can't be real." I then started to panic and everything faded to black.

Everything was still dark, it was difficult to see, I wasn't even sure if I was opening my eyes. I felt nothing, no fear, no emotion, nothing. Empty that's what I felt like.

Am I dead? No of course not otherwise I wouldn't be thinking to myself now, what's happening? Stop with the questions! Find out for yourself.


"You know, that was a really stupid thing to do, jumping off that building." a voice boomed, sending shivers down my spine.

Before I could explain a voice called out once again, "Stop, I don't want to hear it, let me guess, there was no exit, no escape and what? You thought you had powers? Ha ha ha! Well, would you look at that. She has no clue what she had gotten herself into, yet she has no idea what she is!"

A bright light flashed down from above, my senses were coming back to me, I tried to move *clink* I couldn't *clink clink* my hands were tied with chains and my feet were roped together.

"Now, Girl. If you really believe, and I mean REALLY believe you have powers, try getting out of those within the next hour, otherwise, bye bye. Ha ha ha!" The second he finished a door slammed leaving an echo.

A softer voice broke the silence after a few minutes, "I'm sorry, I had no choice, he was going to kill my children. He has them held hostage!" His voice was shaky and filled with regret, but I understood as it to protect his family.

I nodded, although unsure if he could see me. The bright light was slowly dying out, perhaps signalling the amount of time I have to escape.

I had to get out of here, and I had to get out now.

The chains on my hands always holds a secret button that not many people realise is there, I know this as I had to release my father from the police once or twice.

I felt everywhere, nothing. I felt every outline, every detail, nothing stood out. I stopped to take a moment, I was worn, tired and confused. I then tried every strength of me, which wasn't a lot, to yank myself out of these chains.

I pulled harder and harder, shouting at the same time to create effect. "AHH!" I screamed as loud as I could, my arms came swinging from behind only to be collided together in front of me.

I did it. I don't know how but I did it. The light started to flicker, I was running out of time, I need to move.

I untied the ropes around my legs in no time as I used to love untying as a habit.

Now, how do I get out of here?

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