I'll never understand why adults bring us humans into this cruel world. Humans do not mind tearing other humans into pieces until they break; but when it comes back to them they can't handle it. From pre-teens to adults, some would rather put a bullet to their head rather then see another day. These days you you could get shot just by leaving your house. Wheres the peace?Even though, some of you will never know how it feels to be broken down, unloved. Many of you will never know how it feels to be abandoned possibly mentally, but I'm speaking about physically. A few of you never had to deal with your own parents on their deathbed, seeing them suffer and die before your eyes. Although, death is part of life. If there is a god, who is he and why does he take people away before they reached their full capacity. Who is this god who is not concerned by watching his own children get hurt physically and mentally? Who is he and why is someone telling his story for him? Even thought, I'm not here to tell you about humans who ate an apple and got transformed into snakes. However, what my friends and I can do is tell our story.
*This is not based on a true story*