DEC 6th

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The house was as cold as ever, not just because of the weather but the atmosphere. Florence and Dapo were not still talking and Kaylee could not understand why. They were having dinner at the dining table but nothing was happy about it. The only thing that kept kaylee warm were thoughts of her date with Seun.

They had spent the rest of the night at a restaurant eating and talking about random things ranging from most embarrassing days to the funniest days to most memorable days... It was a beautiful night in london and as seun dropped kaylee off, she wished the night could go on just a little bit more. She helped herself with the door and stepped out of the car before seun could get around to open the door for her.

"Fast one aint ya" seun said as he got to her.

Kaylee giggled " that's me! Thank you for today."

Seun brushed her off "please I should be thanking you. If you hadn't shown up I would probably be working. So thank you for the escape, I needed it"

Despite how easy it was to talk to seun all night, it was so awkward for them both to say a proper goodnight . Kaylee offered her hand the same time seun moved in for a hug and when seun switched to the handshake, kaylee went for the hug. They had both laughed at their confusion when seun spoke up "I think after tonight we both deserve a hug"

"I totally agree" kaylee replied.

Seun had given her a warm embrace and when he lingered, kaylee took a deep breath of his perfume as if memorising the way he smelt. She could not comprehend what she was feeling at that moment but she knew she would never get tired of his embrace.

Dapo cleared his throat breaking the silence at the dinning table and bringing kaylee out of her thoughts.

"Dinner is lovely" he said through this nose.

Florence did not spare him even a look, as the silence returned except for the chatters of the cutlery.

"I went on a date yesterday incase none of you noticed" kaylee said and looked at both her sister and brother in-law. When she was sure she had their attention, she continued "well maybe it wasn't quite a date but we went to the movies and had dinner"

"Who is he?" Florence finally spoke up for the first time.

"He is a doctor at the hospital" kaylee couldn't hide her smile as she spoke.

"How did you meet him?" Dapo asked, stuffing a piece of shredded chicken in his mouth.

"Funny story!" Kaylee chuckled to herself "we bumped into each other three times in a roll so we just decided dinner would be fun"

The silence decended upon them again and kaylee's cheeky grin was about to desolve when Florence spoke up "you should run a background check on him. You have to know for sure that he is not a serial killer, or a con artist or who knows? He might just be an adulterer or a fornicator." Florence directed the last part of her statement to her husband.

Dapo dropped his cutlery with a bang on his plate. "You just had to bring that up right? You can't just let it go! I hope you are happy? Because now kaylee knows how screwed up our marriage is"

"Don't you dare put this on me" florence snapped. "you are the one that hurt me, you are the one that cheated on me with that hore you call a secretary. So don't you dare Dapo blame me because you cannot control your libido."

"What?" Dapo jumped to his feet causing his chair to topple over "it was your damn fault I cheated. You are always at work , always in one meeting or the other. And when you are at home, you spend hours on your computer. I even cook and clean after you when I come back from work!" Dapo started pacing "I cannot have sex with my fucking wife because of her fucking job!" He yelled.

"No! It's my fault I have a big boutique to run! It is my fault my business is expanding, it is my fault I support the family... noooo it is my fucking fault I married you in the first place" Florence screamed and threw her table knife at Dapo but missed him by an inch.

"I did not ask you to support the family! I can do that all by myself thank you very much! You have forgotten I opened that boutique for you. I DAPO OLAREWAJU! so dont you claim support because I can support this family on my own."

"It is still no reason for you to CHEAT ON ME YOU BASTARD!!!" Florence yelled! Spittle flying out of her mouth as she said the 'bastard' and the tears that had gathered slipped down her cheeks.

"You know what? I can't do this anymore" Dapo shook his head as he grabbed his car keys.

"Ow yes go back to that bitch and leave your pregnant wife at home" Florence shouted at Dapo's retreating frame.

"Yes! Maybe that's exactly what I will do. At least she is willing to have sex with me!" Dapo said cooly and slammed the door.

"IDIOT!!" Florence spat! "I hate him. Do you know how I hate him? Kaylee I sware I will kill him if he steps his feet into this house arrrrrgggg!"

Kaylee all this while was frozen. She could not comprehend what just happened and how a quiet dinner had turned into an earthquake of words between her brother in-law and her sister. Once she had regained consciousnes, kaylee calmed her sister down and helped her to her room. It took a while for Florence to sleep but kaylee succeeded in getting her to sleep after about 4 hours of crying and cursing.

Kaylee was one to be good with words and back in the university, she was always the voice of reasoning but now that she was faced with this, her tongue was tied for the first time.

Kaylee crawled out of her sister's room and headed to the dinning room that looked like the aftermath of a kid's party. She worked carefully until she had cleared the room and washed the dishes. "It was her job afterall" she thought as she put away the last plate.
She was still very much shakened from the outburst when she got back to her room. She could not believe that a marriage she thought was so perfect could be so incorrigible, worse she could not believe her sister could use such curse words. Maybe it was the environment? Kaylee wasn't sure but one thing was certain their father would be disappointed having raised them in the fear of God. They were all disappointing him, she no longer prayed past 5 minutes again. What in God's name was wrong with the Bakare girls?

Kaylee tossed and turned before she finally slept off thinking- why the hell was she in London? She should have just remained in Nigeria with her mum and dad. Now she was here running from one problem only to face a bigger one. She hoped her christmas would not hold more surprises but deep down she felt she had not seen the worse of it yet.

In The Spirit Of Christmas #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now