Raylina's Recovery Part 5: Attenuate

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Scar eaten whole

Alina's POV

So it's Saturday and I haven't had any contact with Rayquan since what happened. I don't need him anyway. It's not like he ever did anything for me. Just some life ruining and mental scarring. I still see him in our class, but I ignore him completely. It's hard when he's glancing over at me every 2 seconds, but that bastard can go kiss my ass. I don't need him or anyone.

Later in the morning I decided to make some waffles. I don't know why, but watching Bob's Burgers on Netflix white eating waffles is the ideal scenario for my everyday life. It does get a little lonely here though. I wanted to call my best friend, but I don't know what to say. I feel like I've lost the ability to talk to someone who isn't completely insane. The fact that the past few weeks I've only been talking to Rayquan makes me feel like I've given up on my life. Ughhhhhhh, he just ruins everything.

Recovery Started

Rayquan's POV

It's been so long since me and Alina have talked. And my life has taken a turn for the worst. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't even get any work done. I'm doing awful in my classes and my mother told me specifically not to let girls get in between my college work. I just laughed off what she said, but she knows me too well.

When Saturday's come, I usually go out with Alina to the mall. But today we couldn't...I wondered if I should just delete her contacts from my phone and go live in my dorm forever. I knew all these thoughts weren't doing any good, so I went to the mall anyways.

When I got there, I breathed in the scent of the food court. Smells of free samples and cheap burgers filled my nose and I felt at peace. I couldn't help but run over to GameStop to see what stuff they got. Then I went over to Hot Topic to see if I could find anything Alina might like. Even though we aren't together anyone, I just feel obligated to get her something. Once I got out my credit card, I realized that I bought over 200 dollars worth of stuff!!!!!!! My mother is going to kill me! But Alina is worth it. When I walked into Hollister, I noticed a face that seemed gorgeously familiar. 

The girl was facing backwards, but from the way her hair poured down like a waterfall, I knew who it was. Alina was looking at a few sweaters, seemingly only looking for ones that we're black. She's always been a little gothic like that, but I find it sexy. I was having a mental war. Should I approach her, or leave right then and there. Before I could make a decision, she catches my gaze and her eyes widen (well, they widened as much as they could). She instantly speed walked away while pretending to have not seen me. I completely lost all memory of what happened that one night, as for my first impulse was to run over and give her a hug. I snapped out of my daydreaming and decided to approach her.

She looked at me with annoyance, and a slight hint of fear. I just simply gave her the Hot Topic bag and left. I tried my best not to look back, and I didn't. Look who's the hot mysterious one now! I got her puzzled and maybe she'll call later to talk about what I got her! I'm sooo slick.

Imperviously Affected

Alina's POV

So I see that douchebag Rayquan at Hollister and he goes and stares at me like the creeper he is. I tried to avoid him so I got outta that situation as soon as possible. And then he goes up to me, hands me a Hot Topic bag, and walks away?!?! Is he trying to me cool or something, because it's not working. When I got back to my dorm room, I checked what was in the bag and it was a bunch of things that I wanted from Hot Topic!!!!!! HE EVEN GOT THE PANIC! AT THE DISCO SWEATER I WANTED!!!!!!!! And I got a bunch of Hot Cash so Ima go back to the store to buy some T-shirts. Even though I'm still mad at him, I decided to go call Rayquan to thank him...This is hurting my pride.

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