Ch6: Hard Time Processing.

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~Thanks for reading Chapter 5, here is Chapter 6.

"I like you..."

Just then the door opened and Jackson came in. I sat up to look at him. He came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Sister. I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you?" He looked up at me.

"Yeah of course little bro. What was your dream about?" I asked as I tucked him in.


Suddenly my eyes filled with tears at the thought of the accident. Taehyung suddenly got up and sat beside me and my brother, and he gave us both a hug. Just then I burst into tears.

Taehyung ended up comforting both of us and we all eventually fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up and Jackson was still laying beside me but Taehyung was gone. I checked his bed but he wasn't there.

"Yah.. Jackson..wake up.. Its 7:15.." I shook him gently and his eyes opened.

I got up and went to my wardrobe to grab a dressing gound, for some reason it was really cold. It was Winter but this was the coldest I've ever felt.

I walked to Jacksons room to grab his and came back and threw it at him. He moaned and grabbed it. After he put his on I grabbed his hand and led him out the door and followed close behind. Just to make sure he wouldn't go through my stuff like Taehyung did..

We entered the loungeroom and Jackson went off to go watch tv, while I continued to look for Taehyung.
I checked every room in the house but I couldn't find him.. It was only 7:20 so he wouldn't be at school yet.

There was only one other place he could be.. The back deck..

I opened the door and suddenly realized why it was so cold.. It was snowing.. For the first time in ages.
I also realised why he mentioned his dog.. There she was sitting on the back deck shivering.

"Oh my god. Are you okay little girl? You must be the puppy Taehyung mentioned.. You're beautiful."
She was a brown and black German Sheppard with a short coat.

"You met Riley I see.."

I turned around and Taehyung was standing behind me leaning against the balcony fence. I stood up and looked at him.

"Yes, and Riley is really cute.. How long have you had her?" I asked.

"Well I adopted her when I was 10 so 7 years.." He said kneeling down to pet Riley.

I looked out into the yard and watched the snow fall. Then walked back inside the house to have a hot drink. Taehyung brought Riley in with him and followed me into the kitchen.

"So umm... You... Know what I your room..umm.." He cleared his throat, "Before your Brother came in.."

"If you feel awkward talking about it then don't... I mean.. It's quite an awkward subject.." I said as I poured the glass of milk.

Both My Dad and his Dad had gone to work so it was just Taehyung, Jackson and Me.

The microwave beeped and I grabbed my milk, I added the milo and stirred it. I took a sip but it was a bit hot so I burnt my lip.

"Aish! Ah..that's hot" I put the cup down and covered my mouth.

"Pabo... Let me see it.." He said as he approached me.
He moved my hand away and looked at my lip. He gently used his fingers to dabble some cold water on it and told me to wait while he went to get some cream.

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