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I've learned a lot from my past. From doing terrible things to being a goody two shoes. I had a lot of transitions and stages in my life that I always question but in the end realize that those choices I made, they made me who I am today. A girl who knows too much for her own good. I've gained many friends due to my intelligence but some of them, I know they were just using me so I could help them with their homework and final exams. I let them do it anyway because I couldn't face myself enough to not let them do it. It was too hard.

Growing up, knowing more than one language was normal for my group of friends and I, but when I moved far away, I lost some of my native tongue- Lao. Now now, I am not Laotion, I just grew up with the culture and language due to family, not actually being born there.
My friend Anong is really beautiful. She always says she isn't, but her beauty says otherwise. Her dyed blonde hair framed her face and neck, fitting like a fallen piece of a puzzle, upon her slender shoulders. She had fair skin that glowed whenever she walked into the sun, giving her an angelic aura. The cow-like hazel eyes she hated so much that I've come to adore throughout the years; shining a golden hue whenever light hit them. Her lips were thin and pink; her smile had the ability to light up anyones day, like a rainbow after a rain storm; showing her true natural beauty. Her height stood around 5'7 making me feel like a dwarf whenever we stood next to each other. She wore clothes that were loose and fitting, complimenting her hourglass figure.

Anong's personality is quite unique, to say the least. Whenever she finds something she likes or gets interested in, she obsesses over it. It's as if she becomes a different person in other people's eyes, but deep inside she is the same person I have always known. She doesn't have any favourite colours. I ask her all the time and she always says the same thing "It depends on the shade." Of course it does. Her and I share the same interests but she gets more into the deep end of the pool while I stay in the middle, not ready to drown myself in a situation I'm not prepared for. "Nobody is prepared, Hatai. You just gotta go for it," she would always say, her voice ringing in my head. We have been best friends since we were little, her being eight and I being six.

I remember the first time we ever met. My real dad had gotten a new girlfriend that he told us all about every time we were visiting, telling neverending stories of how they met and how much he loved her. One weekend we were visiting him, he told us he wanted us to meet her and her daughter, who was Anong, my best friend. Comparing the two of us, she was the shy kid that never really talked till she got comfortable, and I was that one kid who would speak their mind to everything and everyone at anytime and anyplace. We were complete opposites in the beginning but as time went on, we grew close and now we have been friends for over 10 years. She is 21 and I am only 19 years of age, but we both graduated high school earlier than our classmates, making our elders think we are the smartest kids ever.

I on the other hand am completely different. I had natural brown, wavy hair that hung down to my waist, with natural blonde highlights tugging at the ends. I had fair skin that glowed brightly in the moonlight, shining in the sun. My blue eyes were almond shaped and had streaks of silver and green surrounding the pupil giving off a look as though I had green eyes rather than blue. I had small plump lips where my bottom was bigger than my top giving me a puppy look, having people always ask 'Why are you so sad?' 'That look wouldn't work on me missy.' My height was 5'4 making my height average but still short. My legs took up most if my figure, giving me the nickname 'Legs For Days'. I had an hourglass figure but I was more fit than I was curvy. I still had curves but they weren't as prominent. I always wore a different variety of clothes but stuck close to a more comfortable look rather than a flashy look that would say 'Look at my boobs and butt' or even 'My favourite colours are neon' kind of vibe.

A lot of people, growing up, had always told me I was the definition of a mean girl or a goody two shoes before they met me and got to know me. Maybe it was the way I held my head up high or the way I carried myself, making me seem more confident than I really was, or even just the way I spoke my mind or said nothing at all. I couldn't figure it out till I asked or was told randomly out of the blue.
My opinions on people do vary, but I treat everyone the same, with kindness. It sounds cheesy, right? I know, it does. I guess you can describe me as a fake person, I get that a lot, due to my happy-go-to attitude. I'm really not fake, I just like being happy, even when I'm not, I still act like it cause I don't want anybody's pity or pep talks.

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