Chapter Two

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{The Ramirez house, Thursday, August 27 2015, 5:30 a.m.}

Luis's P.O.V.

I was 7 when my mom had died and my dad had started his Record Label. It also means I was 7 when he started going on business trips. Granted my grandmother was still alive, the only time she checked on us was when she felt like it. I had to grow up fast. I had no choice. While my dad was gone I had to take care of my 6 year old sister, Amiera, and my few months old baby sister, Kylie. Looking back from where we were to where we are now I guess I did a decent job. I mean, we're not dead.

I wake up suddenly. I shut my alarm off, walk over to my bureau and grab a black shirt and a fresh pair of black pants. I get dressed and put on deodorant and axe. I walk over to my display of snapbacks. I stand there for a moment and reach for my snapback that has the word reckless on the front. I put it on and walk into Kylie's room.

I walk over to her bed and turn on her side lamp. "Wake up princess, its time to get ready for school."

Kylie: *rubs eyes and slowly opens them* "why does school have to be so early?"

Luis: "I don't know maybe you should ask the head of the school board about that one. Come on go get changed and then come downstairs. I'll make you some breakfast."

Kylie: "Luis?"

Luis: "Yes princess?"

Kylie: "Can you pick out my outfit for me?"

I walk over to her closet and see a whole bunch of shirts to choose from. I scratch the back of my head. How do girls do this every morning? I look and see a black shirt and a red and black flannel. I take both off of the hangers, "Heads up!" I throw the shirts to Kylie as she catches it from her bed. I walk over to her dresser and search through all of her pants. Why do girls have so much clothes! I take out a pair of black jeans and close the drawer. "Now you can get ready."

Kylie: *smiles* "Thank you big brother."

I walk out of her room and close the door behind me I walk down the hall towards Amiera's room. "You up?" I ask while banging on her door.

Amiera: "Yes Luis."

I walk towards the center of the hall and walk down the stairs into the kitchen. I take out a bowl from the cabinet and a box of cornflakes. I pour a small amount into the bowl and leave it on the counter, not adding milk just yet. I walk over to the fridge and take out bread, ham, cheese and mayo. I start to make Kylie's lunch. Kylie walks into the kitchen and sits down in her chair. I walk over to the fridge and pull out the milk and pour it in her cereal. I hand her a spoon and she started eating like an animal. I finished making her sandwich and stick it in a plastic bag. Then putting it in a lunch box. Amiera walks into the kitchen. I look up.

Luis: "New outfit?"

Amiera: "Got it yesterday." As she walks over to Kylie and starts braiding Kylie's hair.

Luis: "Any plans after school?"

Amiera: "I might go over Jelena's. You?"

Luis: "Football practice first meeting of the year."

Amiera: "Okay captain."

Luis: "Kylie, your going over Ryley's(next door neighbor) after school."

Kylie: "But I don't like her. She smells weird."

Amiera and I laugh.

Luis: "Would you rather sit on the bleachers and watch my football practice?"

Amiera: "I don't think thats a good idea."

Luis: "why's that?"

Amiera: "You want your 9 year old sister to sit in the bleachers and watch as a whole bunch of cheerleaders shake their asses in front of all of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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