chapter twelve

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We got married a few months later. The band went on hiatus for a while when we heard the news I was pregnant. We had three beautiful babies, Michael Gordon Jr., Thomas Robert, and Amelia Fletcher. Each one year apart.

They've grown up to be beautiful young children. Michael has taken up guitar just like his dad, Thomas prefers to spend his time reading, but gets a few bass lessons from time to time from Uncle Calum, and Amelia is daddy's little princess (who loves to bang on the drums with Uncle Ashton a lot).

The hype about 5 Seconds of Summer is still happening, but it's not as huge as it was when Michael and I had first got married. They don't tour as much as they used to, since they've all got families to take care of, and Michael and Ashton like to spend time with their kids.

It's been quite the journey these past years. Years full of strict parents, love, heartbreak, some not-so-punk rock bands, and life changing choices. I have learned that it's an amazing thing to fall in love, and quite rare these days. If you find love, keep it. Hold onto it. Cherish it with everything you have, because you never know when it's going to slip right through your fingers. Or get on a plane and move across the world.

And that just about brings us up to date, kids.

That's the not-so-typical story of how your two abnormal parents abnormally fell in love.

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