"Our first meeting"(chapter1)

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So here I am just sitting in class being all dumbfounded or should I say taehyunged like always when suddenly this new kid walks in taking the the only empty seat in the classroom which so happens to be next to mine as he takes the empty seat next to me I start getting all nervous and shy let's just say I'm not so good at starting conversation's with guys.

As I'm doing my work I suddenly feel someone lightly tap me on the shoulder as I look at who it is I sigh at relief knowing it's just the new kid. (yeah I get scared easily) he asked me "hey what are we doing?" as I try to get the words to come out of my mouth this annoying bitch named Keyla tells him before I can in a flirty tone she glances at me with a smirk uhh this bitch just loves messing with me and to think we were good friends in the past.

I just go back to doing my work cause trust me she don't want these hands. Suddenly the bell rings for lunch as I gather my things all together to head for lunch he ask's me if I can show him around suddenly all these thoughts came to mind me alone with a boy oh my what to do umm... Sure I say leaving my thoughts why not he smiles "ok thanks by the way my name is kunpimook Bhuwakul but people call me bam bam he said" okay bam bam I say with a smile my name is y/n nice to meet you and happy to be your guide I say with a huge smile. "Thanks and nice smile it's really pretty and bright " I slightly blush ok well let's start shall we as I finish showing him around we go to our last class surprisingly we have the same last class together after school was done I packed my things and went on my bus with my friend Normani we just sat there talking until we noticed that the bus hasn't moved yet then suddenly bam bam the new guy I met earlier walks in and I just stare at him while he takes his seat he smiles at me noticing that I'm staring I quickly turned around with embarrassment written all over my face along with my heart rapidly beating omg how can a boys smile cause this much feels . My friend Normani noticed the way how I was acting "what are you doing" she said with wtf face expression she looks back and says "OH I SEE" he's cute I call dibs NO !!! I slightly shouted ok geez he's all yours no need to get all feisty . Normani I jus-t I said stuttering while realizing how quickly I reacted to her calling dibs on bam bam what is happening to me ....

Hi author speaking here so I hope you enjoyed this please comment and vote and let me know if this is good or not I will be posting the next chapter later on today or if not tomorrow.ok love you

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