"Bam Bam".. (chapter 2)

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Me and my friend part ways as I get off at my stop. I feel as if I'm being followed so I quicken my steps but I accidentally trip while doing so. "Shit uhh man," I mumble. I then look up to see some guys' shoes. I wouldn't dare to look at the guy's face, so I just start crying and say, "why me? Please don't come near me!" The guy suddenly speaks, "it's ok. I'm just here to help you!" He then holds out his hand and he looks at me, basically staring into my soul. I take his hand and I stand there in a frozen state, just looking at "Bam Bam". "You're bleeding," he states. "Oh, what?" "On your face." "Oh..." I say. He takes out a napkin and wipes the blood off my cheek. "You should be more careful." Why were you walking so fast did you have to pee or something? He chuckles. "Uhh yeah," I lie. "Well thank you, you can go now." "And leave you to walk alone? What if something happens?" he says. "oh it's ok. I'm used to being alone." I say while we start walking towards where I live, slightly smiling. "What? No one should ever be alone, especially a beautiful girl like you," he smirks. "Ok, so what? You're going to walk me home every day?" I jokingly say. "Yes !" My eyes widen as I look at his face. He must be serious... "Ok fine. If you want to then I won't stop you!"

As we reach my house, I said goodbye and thank him. "No problem y/n. And oh y/n? Just so you know, you're never alone." He says while walking away. I turn around and go inside my house, walking up to my room. I plop on the bed. "YOU'RE NEVER ALONE," I say as I start thinking of what he said. I sigh. What does that mean? And why is he so nice and kind hearted to me? Gasping,I suddenly sit up. He remembered my name!

My mom suddenly came in the room. "Hey y/n, how was your day at school?" "It was good." "Ok, well dinner will be ready soon." "Ok mom call me when it's done," I said with a smile. She leaves my room as I continue to be lost in my thoughts. I suddenly get a call from Normani.

" Hello?" I ask.
"Come over quick!" Normani tells me.
"What, why? What happened?"
"Just come quick!"
"Wa-I-t!" She ends the call before she can hear me.

I quickly put on my shoes and yell "MOM I'LL BE BACK!!!" "Ok be safe!" As I'm speed walking to Normani's, she texts me "Hello are you here yet" "I'm on my way" I text back. I finally reach her house, but before I can even knock on her door she pulls me in and drags me up to her room. She locks the door. "Ok y/n, listen. So lately I've been eavesdropping and I hear Keyla has plans on making the new guy hers and as your best friend I just had to tell you in person!" "Ok, I appreciate that Normani but he's not my boyfriend! So why should I care that that bitch wants everything I lay eyes on?" "'CAUSE YOU CALLED DIBS!!! Remember?" "Oh that? I was just joking when I said that." "Bitch stop lying I know you too well to fall for that crap!" "Just drop it I'm not worth being someone's special person! And besides, just by looking at him I can tell he probably has someone already." Normani grabs my shoulders. "Look at me YOU'RE NEVER ALONE always remember that someone out of nowhere will come to you and you will be his special person even if that someone isn't that new kid!" I sniffle. "Thanks Normani. And by the way, the new kids name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul, but people call him Bam Bam." "Wait... you've had a conversation with him already and you didn't tell me this? Spill!" As I finish telling Normani what type of conversations me and him have had, I give her a hug and head home. When I finally reach my house, I sit and eat since dinner was done and set on the table waiting for me. I finish my meal and thank my mom, going up to my room and washing up. I then chang into something comfortable. I plop onto my bed, ready to sleep when suddenly I start thinking about those three words every one has been mentioning to me. "YOU'RE NEVER ALONE"

Hiii beautiful people I just^ㅅ^ want to say thank you for reading this and please keep showing your love and support and I hope you enjoyed this!!!

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