Chapter 18

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Hey guyssss I just wanted to let you know it's my Birthday on Friday wooo yeah tun up etc. #16 ;). I may a bit younger than some of you think...lal but yh I will be #16. So drop some Happy birthdays into the comments or some Happy early birthdays :$.


Courtney's POV

True to his word for once the guy tracking Xaya has found her location. It has been a week for him to find her but all I care about now is the fact that we found her.

We're setting out to get Xaya tomorrow. I hope she isn't in worse condition than when we last saw her on the Skype call. Then again her face was beaten up and bruised.

" YO!. Calm and peaceful thoughts bro!." K.C said, looking shocked.

I followed her gaze and saw I had bent the metal spoon in my hand.

" Sorry sis. Just on edge." I muttered throwing the spoon in the bin.

" Don't worry, I have faith in you and Pharie. I know you'll get her back." K.C said, patting my back.

" I keep telling you guys not to call me that and yeah we will get Xaya back cuz." Pharaoh piped in looking slightly irritated at the nickname K.C called him.

" Mmmm." I left the kitchen after I did that. There's no point in getting all physched up till we get Xaya back.

K.C, Pharaoh and mum have been staying at my place even though they were only meant to stay till mum came back. But who gives a fuck.

I went to the room Xaya was staying in when she was here. It sounds weird but the room smells like her. I lay on her bed sighing. As soon as she gets back I'm moving her straight into my room. She's not gonna be out of my sight for more than 5 minutes. Where she goes I'll go and vice versa.

The door opened and my mum walked in. She sat on the end of the bed looking at me.

" How did you know I was in here?." I asked.

" Are you kidding?. You've been practically living in this room. I'd be more surprised if you weren't here." My mom replied.

I nodded and we stayed in silence for a while.


"Yes mum."

"Are you serious about Xaya?." I sat up and stared at my mum.

" Yes." Is all I could reply.

"I'm only asking you this because she's truly broken. If you plan on throwing her away after two weeks I'm warning you to stay away from her. I don't want her to end up like me. I had to raise two kids with no help. It's hard to be alone but then again it's what made me stronger. I'm not trying to influence your feelings but you're father is a class A dickhead. I thought he cared about me and you, yet he disappeared without a word from him in 14 years. All I'm saying is that you may come across as though you love her but then  again nobody really knows what you feel apart from you. So if you really love her look after her."

My mum left after that speech. I clenched my fist as I thought of my 'dad'. He hurt my mum more than anyone ever has. She loved him. To be honest I think she slightly still loves him. Plus he's the reason she does that Jamaican accent all the time. She used to do it in reverse,  use her English accent all the time and the Jamaican one when she was mad, but for some weird reason she started doing the opposite when my dad left. I personally think it's a cover up to show she hasn't been effected by him leaving even of it's a weird way to show she's indifferent to him leaving, but that's my mum for you. But none of that matters because I'm not going to leave Xaya the way my dad left my mum.

We're all leaving to make our way to Xaya's location at 12 on the dot. which means we have 5 hours left...

Romeo's POV

If I'm being honest with myself I can honestly say I don't like Xaya in a relationship way. She has a banging body and her arse...WOW. But I prefer her as a friend. Telling all truths I'd say Prince is the one for her.

I took one girl away from him and cut our friendship off in the process. But Prince truly loves Xaya. I can tell. We may not be friends anymore but I need to help get Xaya back too. She is my friend.

I won't stay away from Xaya though. He can't tell me what to do. Kissing my teeth I looked at the clock hanging on my wall.

4 hours left.


They'll get Xaya back I know it. All I have to do is wait now. I've grown way too attached to her if I'm being honest but I can't help it. She's got just the right personality and she's family to me.

We're gonna get her back. I'm positive. When we do C.C will finally stop being anti social with us and go back to how he used to be with us. I glanced at the watch I was wearing.

3 hours until they leave.

Pharaoh's POV

It's like it was yesterday when I found Xaya being harassed by those batty boys. I remember how awkward I felt when she started bawling on me but then again I'm not one for comforting people.

She's like a sister to me...fuck that she is a sister to me and a best friend. Yats is gonna pay. I know we all agreed that it's for the best that we hand Marcel and his followers to the police but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna give that bitch what's coming to him. Bloodclart bitch. I can't wait to stomp his head into the floor and knock his teeth into his skull.

My eyes swept over the clock in the kitchen.

2 hours till we leave. Heads are gonna spin tonight.

Auntie J's POV

I know my son didn't treat Xaya in the best way at the start but he does love her. No matter how long it takes him to admit it I know he does. He's my son after all.

They're perfect for each other. They balance each other out...just like Jordan and I did.

I always wonder what he's doing now. The pain he's caused me has me thinking of him everyday. I wish I wouldn't especially after he left me alone to look after two kids but I can't help but wonder where we'd be if he stayed with me. Would we be married?. Would we have more kids?. What would have become of us?. I hate myself for it but I still love him. Even after all these years. Call me naïve but that's the way things are.

Xaya is gonna be with us again tomorrow. My son, nephew and their friends WILL bring her back and if they fail I'll go and get her my fucking self. She's a second daughter to me. I actually give a fuck if something happens to her. But I know we're going to get her back.

Grabbing my phone I looked at the time.

1 hour till they leave to get Xaya...

Courtney's POV


We're coming for you X.



I know :O another update so soon :O.

I hope you enjoy my lovelies.  Follow me on instagram: @Is_that_you_yeah_ya_it_is_me and subscribe to my YouTube: Kairo D.W.

Oh and I just want my lovely readers to know it's my Birthday on Friday wooo yeah tun up etc. So wish me a happy early birthday or simply happy birthday. I'd appreciate it. It's my #16th after all.

Have a smashing day oh and don't forget to:





Have a lovely day my lovelies ;)

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