A New Kind of Beast

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Zya and I walked into the dim lit house as we were quiet trying not to wake anyone up, we had taken several hours being at Fable's house. We needed that time though, I felt closer to Zya more then ever. I look at Zya as he knew what I was going to say as he nods his head heading to our room probably for a new shirt before he joined me on checking our son. I walked in as I quietly sit on the edge of the bed as my son was sleeping peacefully, he has grown so much it's unbelievable. I run my hand through his long black hair as I remembered when he was about to get a haircut he was screaming and almost bit the hair stylist. I smiled he wanted to grow out his hair long like his father, he was so strong and already becoming like an alpha. Takeshi's eyes open a bit as he looked up at me as a huge smile grew on his little face as he quickly climbed into my lap and got snuggled up in my arms as he nuzzled his face in my chest. Takeshi was my everything next to Zya, yes he was a mama's boy but he learned his aggression from me as well as kindness. 

I then heard Takeshi ask me making me frown and look at him, "Mommy, when do I get to go with you to a meeting?"

I looked up as I heard Zya walk in as he gave me his sexy smile making my skin crawl with excitement. Zya sat next to me ruffling our son's hair chuckling deeply as he says

"You may come when your wolf comes in."

Takeshi frowns deeply as he nuzzled his face in my chest saying

"I don't want to wait that long."

"Honey,  your father and I do things that might scar you at the moment... we don't want you to fear us."

Takeshi sighs deeply as he says

"That's what Oni told me you would say."

Zya and I look at our son confused as I say with worry in my tone

"Takeshi... who is Oni?"

Takeshi looks at me as he frowns deeply as he says

"My beast... like how Ikari is your beast."

My eyes widen as I looked at Zya as he quickly got up and left the room obviously in search for Roku or his father for answers. It was unnatural for a child to have a beast at this age, which means Takeshi already has his wolf. I looked at my son as he stared at me with those gorgeous shiny silver eyes. Takeshi then says

"Is father mad I have my beast?

"No baby, it's  just different you're usually not suppose to have a demon yet but it means you have a wolf. We can get started on training you to shift."

Takeshi grins evilly as he almost yells out in excitement

"That means I can go hunting with daddy!"

I smiled at him as I placed him in his bed and said

"Yes Takeshi once you master shifting and controlling your movements, father and grandpa Roku will take you hunting for the first time."

Takeshi smiles as he asks me getting that sleepy tone

"Mommy... is it natural to have an urge to rip something apart and.... play in their blood?"

My face dropped as I felt the color wash away, my baby had the same urges as me. I started to grin evilly as I say

"For you and I it is very natural hun. Not all wolves have it we are a limited edition hun. If you ever have the urge let me know dear and I will teach you how to get rid of those urges."

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