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Luke POV

I woke up from the sound a constant beeping, as I opened my eyes and looked to my left I saw my mother and father sitting in chairs softly chatting about something. I moved my head slowly to look at the right and saw a monitor that had a red line going up and down the same beat of the beeping sound. I moved my head down lightly and saw my right arm having tubes and wires coming out of it connected to other things around the bed.

"Luke?" I heard my mother softly say. I turned my head backed to her and saw her face in tears." I'm so happy your okay." She said sounding like she's was about to start crying. She face was smashed into the hospital bed I was laying in.

"I'm fine mom, just a little headache." She looked up at me and I saw the little black rings under her eyes from the mascara that was running. " Are the rest okay?" I asked her.

"Yes, they woke up yesterday. You were just on a lot of medication that made you sleep longer." she said. I looked down at my right leg that was in a brace. I pointed to it slowly with a confused look.

"Your tendons got all messed up in your knee. The doctors did a little surgery and fixed it. Now you just have to walk with crutches." She said pointing to the pair of crutches that was near the bed.

"So when can I get out?"

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