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Chapter 16


"Anyone wanna go for a drink tonight." Somebody chirped in in an attempt to heard a group of willing volunteers together.

Please shut up, I cursed to myself.

"I'll buy you a drink if you come lovely." A familiar voice attempted to convince me as his hand tapped against my shoulder.

My supervisor.

Another social occasion I refuse to attend; but flirtatiously I toy with the idea of salvation from my own vortex of reflection.

"Charlotte." I sensed someone had uttered my name, but paranoia soothed my attention back to the computer screen.

I keep on thinking about everything else I would rather be doing instead of being stuck in the office on a Friday night. I could be with him; wrapped up in his scent and pouring alcohol down my system.

Substances can't cure your problems, but they have a delicious method of turning them invisible for a couple of hours just to avoid my commitments temporarily.

"Charlotte, do you want to go for a drink?" A guy from my literature course asks me whilst I'm imprisoned in the work I have yet to complete.

"Eric, sorry didn't notice you there." I admitted to him.

It was already past eight o'clock, and yet I always felt obliged to finish what I'd started. This had become normal for me. I usually ignored their requests for drinks after a hard day, but I decided that I'd grant myself a break.

"I guess one drink wouldn't hurt." I smiled politely.

"It's alright love, I was just saying we never celebrated your essay getting published last month." He seemed genuinely pleased for me but my thoughts turned sour as his hand delicately brushed my backside.

"And we all know love seeing you drunk Charlotte." Eric brushed his mouth beside my ear whispering almost inaudibly. I whimpered silently. He knew I'd heard him.

After an awkward pause in the lift, where Eric's fingers gently brushed my backside and I wanted the ground to swallow me up in that moment, we had an exchange of kind words with the security management team we exited the glass building which has imprisoned our bodies for the past eight hours.

The journey took longer than expected as the traffic was clogging up any possible movement. My mind was able to switch off for the first time all day. It felt slightly exhilarating and daunting all at the same time, I felt like the inbox to an overflowing mail system.

I ache for him. My boyfriend. My everything. I haven't seen him all day and that's all I need to feel a little empty inside; without his charming presence. I'll see him shortly. I hope.

We arrived swiftly at an extravagant club which I knew was Eric's favourite, 'Snatch'.

The name suited the nightclub and Eric's attitude toward woman and especially towards me. He was a womaniser, I didn't understand why he kept on perusing me; he knew I wasn't interested.

I wish Feds was wrapped around me instead of this crowd of jumbled monotone voices.

We approached our destination, relaxing our body language as we were greeted by the clink of martini glasses. I palpitated relaxed vibes.

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