Right after.

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Authors POV

Sue was driving home from work in her Smart car in the snowy weather of winter, Being the typical twenty year old woman she was, she decided to turn up the music on her radio to one if the highest possible settings. Unfortunately she didn't here or see the 10 ton lorry coming up behind her, the lorry driver quickly turned his steering wheel to the left when he got up next to Sue's car and the trailer or the lorry smacked into the smaller car vehicle and pushed helpless Sue into the high pile of snow at the side of the road.

Sue was left unconscious and when the emergency services came, there was no sighting of any other vehicle which could of ran her off the road. The lorry driver had fled the scene of the crime! The ambulance team had to carefully drag Sue out of her tiny car and onto the stretcher to take her to hospital, being careful not to bend her neck or back as it could be fatal. They got her to hospital as soon as possible, cutting right through the Friday evening traffic.

"Miss Ward has increasing pressure on her brain and skull, if we don't operate very soon she will die" cried one of the head doctors at the medical centre.

"Doctor Fisher... The patient has no family in this country, if at all in the world, no contact numbers or addresses" stated one of the receptionist's.

"We still need to operate on her, it's crucial, before the blood gets too much on her brain and it tells her heart to stop pumping due to lack of space" Argued Doctor Fisher.

The doctors whisked Sue into the operation theatre and began shaving her hair so they had a clear view of the top of her head. Once completed, they proceeded to open up the top of her head. The brain was exposed to the doctors as they tried to find bleeding spots and swelling. They found nothing but still Sue was in a coma... It was a medical mystery!

After surgery, they doctors put her in a special hospital surveillance room to be watched 24/7 to check for improvement.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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