Chapter 1.

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Beatrice and the Beast.


Beatrice's P.O.V.-

I awake to the sound of Joey Ramone singing to me that he wants to be sedated. The song shuts off after I press the 'Stop' button on my phone.

Sighing, I roll over and stare at the wall. Today is the first day of my senior year.

10 minutes later I'm up and getting ready. My outfit consists of my favorite Ramones shirt, skinny jeans, and my red converse. I straighten my long, dark brown hair and apply my usual winged eyeliner with mascara.

"Eh, that's good enough." I say to myself while looking at my reflection in the mirror. Quickly grabbing my backpack and heading out my bedroom door to the kitchen.

Car keys in hand, I walk out the door and try to prepare myself for the school day.


'Lunch' (11:47-12:25)


"Beatrice! I haven't seen you all day, man.", I slowly look up from my book, 'The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon' by Steven King, to see my best friend standing in front of me with her tray in her hands.

"Oh, hey, Claudia." I smile and stand up to give her an extremely awkward hug from over the table. I pull out my British accent, "Please, love, sit down."

Claudia rolls her eyes and sits down, smirking. "So, how is your day going?"

I sigh and lean my head on my hand which is propped up on the table. " The usual, girls talking about girls, girls talking about boys, boys talking about sex, teachers talking about the girls and boys who are talking about girls, boys, and sex." Claudia chuckles softly and nods her head. " Sounds about right. My day's going the exact same way," I close my book ,"By the way, have you heard of that new exchange student?"

I shake my head,"No, I haven't. Where's he from?"

A face that indicates she's thinking comes across her expression for a moment, when she answers, "Australia. Yeah, but apparently he's super socially-awkward and doesn't talk to anyone. Not even the teachers."

Looking around the room I say, "Have you seen him around? Do you know what he looks like?"

Claudia nods, "He's SO hot, Beatrice. Just your type too, white, hot, and taaaalll."

I feel my eyebrows rise and smirk. "You know me so well."

Claudia starts eating and I pull out my phone. I start checking my Twitter and Tumblr when I hear Claudia whisper,"Beatrice, he's here."

I set my phone down and look around the cafeteria. A tall boy walks into the room with his earphones in an his head down. He has blonde hair with some brown laced through. He stands at about 6 feet tall and definitely handsome (from what I see). His clothes consist of, a Nirvana shirt, black skinny jeans tighter than mine, and a pair of black and white Converse.

"Oh, my." His eyes dart towards me and I quickly turn away.

"Beatrice, he's coming this way."

"Okay, be cool. Be cool, Claudia.", I whisper to her.

I see him sit down at the end of the lunch table and pull out a book. "He reads."

"Calm down, girl. Don't pounce yet. You don't even know his name!", I groan and nod.

Of course, don't be silly. He doesn't talk to anyone. Why would he talk to you?


Welp, tell me how you like it!

(Beatrice is Native American and tall, about 5'10. Just to let you sweeties know.)

Vote/Like/Comment and please stay around for more! I knooooow that I drag out stories and chapters but please don't leave! I swear it's gonna get better.

Shoot me a message if you want, but I warn you, I am very nerdy and can talk about my fandoms for DAAAAYS.

Love ya- lolnaw (Iris)

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