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Kicking the door to the rooftop open I could see Ban, Kenji, and Korku. Ban held an old book in his hand as he read from it. I couldn't understand the words, but I could feel the power in their meaning. Soji was in front of Ban, he was tied down to a table. I could see him still and unmoving. He wasn't dead yet. I knew that. He wasn't dead yet.

"Ban!" I yelled and the Great Demon paused as all three men turned around to look at me. Ban lips parted in a smile as he move closer to Soji. If he thought that I was going to stand by and let him kill Soji he was wrong. Ban had to have known that.

"Stall him," Ban told the others and Kenji rushed towards me as Korku went for Fang and Able. I rushed towards Kenji as well. I have been meaning to kill him for some time now. I kicked my foot out connecting with Kenji's stomach when he leaped at me. He flew across the rooftop and I smiled.

I wondered if Kenji could feel my newly found powers in that kick. He rose again quickly and rushed towards me again. Swinging at me I blocked his attacks. He moved like lightning. He was so fast, much faster than the last time we battled. Of course, I was faster as well. Even with his new speed I matched him blocking every blow that he sent towards me.

Kenji kicked me in the chest and I backed away. Turning to Able he and Fang were taking on the Fear Demon. Able had a sword in his hand. Each new cut he made seemed to burn the demon. His blade must have been blessed in order for it to do that. They had a white mage. I'm sure Soji power was infused with all of the weapons in that church.

I allowed my eyes to wander back to Ban and Soji. Ban was reading as he pulled oils onto Soji's skin. We still had time. We could still stop this. I kept telling myself this as Kenji was charging towards me again.

Reaching into my pocket I took out a blue stone. Kenji watched me as he laughed. I smiled at him. He shouldn't laugh at things he didn't understand. This stone was the beginning of his end. Holding it between both of my hands I started to chant the words needed for this spell.

I wondered if the spell would be more powerful now that I gave up my humanity. I didn't feel different. I had the same thoughts. I felt the same about Soji and Ban. Maybe I understood my feelings towards the both of them a bit more. I wouldn't call it love, but I liked them. It should have sickened me to like Ban, but I liked him.

The stone was heating in my hand as Kenji came for me. I laughed inside of my mind. Of course, he didn't want me to finish my spell. Muttering the words under my breath I only had my feet to defend myself with.

Kicking and blocking Kenji I was holding him off with some fancy footwork. He backed away from me his blood snakes shooting at me. I ducked, dodged, and flipped out of the way as they were shot at me in an endless barrage. I hissed when one of them bit into my shoulder. It's fangs sunk further into me. I almost lost my focus as its body was being sucked into my blood through the wound.

Turning towards Able he was on the defense. Korku was attacking his sword hitting it again, and again with his long nails. The demon had gone into his true form as he attacked Able. I watched as Able dropped his guard for a split second, and the demon stabbed his nails through his shoulder. Able backed away hissing with pain as his blood dripped down his arm. Fang was at the door attacking any demon that thought he was coming on the roof with us. I couldn't tell if we were winning or not.

My eyes shifted to Ban, who now had a wicked jagged blade in his hand as he continued to read from his book. I needed to get over there, but first I needed to take care of Kenji. I could feel the snake moving through my blood. I needed to finish, saying the last three lines of the spell I threw the stone, and it frozen in the air as if some invisible net caught it.

I started on a new spell backing away from Kenji so that I could get his snake out of me. I could feel it slithering towards my brain and that was the last place I wanted it to be. The blue stone vibrate mid-air then cracked.

Blood Prize {Bloody Dance Series #1} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now