Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

"Mr. Styles, how are you today?" Dr. Adams, my current therapist, asked without looking up from her notepad.

"I'm okay, I guess."

"You guess?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Well, how good can you be when you're locked in here?"

"That's a fair point. Overall though, how do you feel? Sad? Angry? Happy?"

"If I'm honest, kind of sad and angry."

"And why is this?"

"You don't really care."

"Yes I do, Mr. Styles. I wouldn't be here if I didn't care."

"Fine." I sighed.

"So what's bothering you?"

"Louis hasn't visited."

"Louis? Your bandmate Louis?"


"You've had plenty of visitors, haven't you?"

"I guess, yeah."

"Then why is Louis so important?"

"He just is. He always has been really."

"But there has to be a specific reason behind wanting his presence."

"I don't know, I just miss him. I feel like shit because he hasn't even bothered to visit me. He's my favorite person in the world and he hasn't even came to see me, which is probably my fault."

"Why would that be your fault?"

"He was the one who found me and some other things.." I trailed off because I wasn't sure if I wanted to share everything.

"What other things?" We just sat in silence. "Mr. Styles?"

"We were a couple once." I blurted out.

"I see. Who dumped who?"

"He dumped me for his current girlfriend. He kept telling me that she meant nothing to him but he never would breakup with her."

"And why would that mean he hates you?"

"I tried to break them up once, he got really mad. He's distanced hisself ever since."

"Maybe you should let go of him. You two are in a band together and you'll obviously see each other, but maybe try to distance yourself from him, or from your feelings for him."

"I don't think that'll help, his engagement's part of why I lost my marbles."

"You didn't 'lose your marbles' over that, Mr. Styles. You clearly had some underlying issues before that engagement news. It takes multiple things to trigger such a large response."

"Okay, but how would distancing myself from Louis help?"

"I assume that why he did it to you was to help hide his feelings. I don't think Louis would lie about his feelings for you, but maybe he distanced himself to help hide them or get rid of them."


"There's a whole world full of people that would love you all the same, if not more than Louis did. Just try it and maybe, just maybe you'll be okay."


"Do you feel any better?"

"Yes." I lied.

"This was a good session, Mr. Styles. Hopefully all of them can be this good."


"You may leave now." Dr. Adams motioned to the door and I thankfully went for it.

"Thanks." Distance myself from Louis? She basically told me to forget him, program my feelings to forget him. Is that even possible? Maybe if I pretended that I didn't love him anymore, he'd like me at least a little. Maybe he'd want to hangout and cuddle like old times, and that was good enough reason to try this distancing thing. It would be hard but well worth it.. I think.

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