Tears of An Unbroken Heart

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Kyler Dawn and Rista Blueflame had been the wards of the monstrous witch Azami Cranbrook of the Grearciel clan. The clan was headed by Rhiassa Greer, who led the witch clan to Darkwood Forest after the purging of magic began.

In the year 477, after their guardian was caught attempting to break into the famous secret library of Greywyn Academy, Kyler and Rista were brought before the headmaster, Danid Skefan. Their fates were now in his hands...


A witch was standing before King Aithlin Youngbreeze of Naetael Cliffs and Headmaster Danid Skefan of Greywyn Academy of Magic. She had been caught attempting to enter the school's famous (and heavily guarded) secret library by the library's two guardians, Chasica Kip and Brummett Camwef. They and a boy named Dlav Geinse had noticed the witch trying to break into the secret library; the witch would have succeeded if Dlav hadn't noticed her in the last possible second and alerted the guardians, who came and apprehended her.

Now the witch was facing both the headmaster and the king in the headmaster's office. Skefan was not happy about being woken up, even if he had to deal with a potential threat to his school. King Aithlin was visiting the school when the attempted break-in occurred.

"Why did you attempt to invade the library?" said Aithlin to the witch.

"You of all people should know the reason why," said Azami Cranbrook as she glared at the king. "I was ordered to seek the hidden secrets of the library by my mistress, Armina Shade, the witch mother of the Grearciel clan."

"I thought Rhiassa Greer was the leader of your clan," said Skefan. "Why are you trying to replace her?"

"Who? That poncy little halfling?" Azami snapped at him. "Why, she isn't worthy of that title. They only named her the clan mother because of her mother, Straudira Hallewell."

"And what do you have against Straudira, I wonder?" said Aithlin.

"She married that foppish Elf duke Ruvaen Greer, that's what she did," said Azami. "To us witches, a marriage is the ultimate crime, one that is unforgivable. We can take as many lovers as we want and have as many children as we want, yes, but to marry just doesn't begin to cover how taboo it is."

"All jokes about her marriage aside, why did you break into the library?" said Dlav as he bounced into the room.

Azami studied the boy carefully; he had dark brown skin, long black hair, and green-gray eyes. There was also the matter of his slightly pointed ears. He was dressed in the uniform of a Greywyn student, yet (once again) he was not wearing his guardian's cloak.

She said to him, "Little boy, why do you ask?"

"Because I know that only the guardians are allowed inside the library," said Dlav, "and from your tattered dress and hat, I must say that you are not a guardian at all, nor are you allowed to be in the library."

"And neither are you," said Azami as she stared at Dlav. "What are you, anyway?"

"My mother was a fairy and my father was a werewolf," said Dlav. "Why do you need to know? It's not like you can't cast a spell on me and I can't repel it."

"A half-fairy?" said Azami. "You're just as repulsive as an elf!"

"Now I'm afraid that you'll just have to stop right there," said Dlav. "That's not what the headmaster needs to know."

Azami studied the boy again; the silence in the room was very intense. She then said, "What does your headmaster need to know?"

"He needs to know why it took Dlav five seconds to inform us that you were in the library," Chasica snapped as she and Brummett stormed into the room. Everyone turned around and stared at the two guardians. "Sorry, it was just that it was taking way too long to get an answer from a witch."

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