Chapter 8 I Believe.

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P.O.V Megumi

It is more than a honor to call Yuzuru Yuzu. The magazines are treasures from now on, they will always be. And
I even have a chance to eat dinner with him! Oh, this is every fan's dream, but now I have all of the experiences with Yuzu. Even if I can't keep the specialness in the future, this is enough. He is so close to me that I can reach for him at any time. So close that I can keep him beside him not to go away from me. So close for me to bear my heart to stop beating faster. Close enough for me to touch his face.


"Yes?" I am shocked when I realize I was zoned out. We are on the platform to wait for the subway

What am I thinking? I just zoned out when I am beside Yuzuru Hanyu? .

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I do that a lot."

"No, I mean what are you thinking?"

"Uh, it's nothing." It is way too embarrassing to tell him what I am thinking of.

"I want to know." There is another thing that I like about Yuzu, he acts like a nice guy in front of the public, but I can tell that he is a proud, a little mean person. I like both of side of him, gentle and mean.

"Really? It is embarrassing."

"Tell me." He demands.

I feel exciting to let him wait for my answer and makes him angry.

"Alright. I was thinking about you." We step into the subway and find a seat.

"What's wrong about me?"

"Ahhhh... It's too embarrassing." I guess I am blushing like a cherry right now.

"Keep going, that's ok, I want to listen." He holds my hand on the subway.

"I am so afraid that I won't be able to see you again, and now you are so close to me that I want to keep you beside me."

Yuzuru blushes. But he acts normally, he just put his hands up to his nose to cover up his smiling face. I guess that is one of my favorite expression of his. Sweet and precious.

"See, I told you it will be embarrassing." Then I started to blush as well.

We just sit quietly on the train and keep blushing. Even though it is a very awkward moment, but we both don't want to break the silence. It feels very good when I told Yuzuru my feelings and he blushes, I feel I am being accepted. So I just want to cherish this moment. Plus, I can't find a word to talk to him right now. I feel like the whole train is now full of love and pinkish flowers. I just sit beside Yuzuru and we just wait until the train arrives our destination.

Ruby is waiting at the station already when we arrive. She says hi to Yuzuru and he nods back. We decided to go to a very Japanese restaurant since I like Japanese food and so does Yuzuru. Yuzuru asks Ruby some questions about Waseda's festival, school life, after school activities,etc. I don't feel isolated about their discussion about their university because I want to go to Waseda to study as well. Also, it is very interesting to listen how Yuzuru can learn many things about his university. I am glad that he learns his own school better.

We had a wonderful dinner and Yuzuru thanks Ruby for inviting him. Indeed, I feel thankful to Ruby. She has done so many things to make my dreams come true. If it isn't she studying in Waseda, then I wouldn't have met Hana,or Yuzuru. And if she didn't reserved the first row ticket at the ice show, I wouldn't have the chance to give Yuzuru the gifts and to talk to him.

It's a wonderful day, but Yuzuru says he has to go back, or the staffs and the skaters might get worried. We waited on the same platform, but we are going different directions. Before Yuzuru gets on the train, I go to his side and thank him.

"Hey, Yuzuru, thanks for today, I had a amazing day."

"Yuzu, call me that. I like you to call me Yuzu." He replies.

"Ok Yuzu, I just came to say thank you. You have been being a great guide."

"Meg, it's my pleasure." He says as he walk closer to me.

"Especially the photos, thank you. I always wish to take your pictures." I smile, hoping to cover my embarrassed face, but it is too obvious for Yuzuru to notice that I'm shy.

He holds my hand and pull me closer to him.

"Remember to send me our photos."

"The train is entering platform 2A please wait behind the yellow lines."

The announcement starts when Yuzuru pulls me to his arms and hugs me tightly. He loosen the pressure and I look into his eyes. I laughs a little. He puts his hand on my head and pats then says:

" I will miss you. I will call you. Remember to tell me when you are at Canada."

"I will still see you. This is not the last time. Right?"

"I hope so."

"I will, I believe" I insist.

Yuzuru hugs me again and the wind inside the station blows as the train enters the platform.

"I'll see when I am free"

I give him a smile and he got on the train. He waves at me through the door and I wave back. I wait for the train to leave the platform an then turn back to Ruby.

I will see him again. It will never be the last time for us to meet each other. But Yuzuru's word are so uncertain and I really feel like I will lose him. Maybe I should keep him beside me when I have the chance. He is going back to his world. I love him when he skates and does things he should be doing, but I still want to be with him. I know. I am selfish. I keep my head up to keep my tears from dripping down my cheeks. But at the same time, I believe. Because I am Yuzuru's special one.

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